



老大      :大家好,这里是樱妖怪。
我          :哇哦,可以许愿吗?
老大      :需要处女的血。浇在我的【根部】,我就可以施法了。





接下来迫不及待开始追加进去了,效果做了两个才决定下来,好久不用PS做签名了,居然差点忘了= =!还有那个像素字,实在不知道应该用多少号,总觉得不尽如人意,选了一款稍微合心意的,自己用像素模仿着点出来一个细版的,还不错。




For being enthusiastic about the chain quests “El Camino Real”, we come up with a crazy idea that we decide to popularize “festival costumes”. As you may already know, the recipe book of festival costumes is a reward from the last step of “El Camino Real”, and the costumes require 5k fame to wear. To demonstrate the Spainish traditional costumes, we had to took a set of exterior photos. Now we intend to give each of our friends a chance to get it for free. Please reply with your character’s gender and which color do you want, and then wait with some patience.

Visible apparels:
1.Black suits
  • female: Bata de Cola(black), Rose hair ornaments(black), Gloves(black))
  • male: Bolero(black), Feathered sombrero(black), Fur boots(black)
2.Blue suits
  • female: Bata de Cola(blue), Garland(white), Gloves(white)
  • male: Bolero(blue), Feathered sombrero(blue), Fur boots(blue)
3.Red suits
  • female: Bata de Cola(red), Bougainvillea(white), Gloves(white)
  • male: Bolero(red), Feathered sombrero(red), Fur boots(red)
4.Yellow suits
  • female: Bata de Cola(yellow), Flower Accessory(yellow), Gloves(red)
  • male: Bolero(yellow), Feathered sombrero(yellow), Fur boots(yellow)
All the accessories above can be bought at itemshop, except Flower Accessory, Rose hair ornaments and Garland. If there is any female characters who want Rose hair ornaments or Garland, you can use 30 grass to exchange with us.

(fake) poster of “El Camino Real”
All replies in this thread before Feb 25th will be noted. From that day we will begin our journey to collect materials to make up these costumes, so since then further replies will not be noted.

When female characters sit down while wearing the Bata de Cola, the dress will show itself with a very lovely shape that looks like a beautiful blooming flower. You should not miss it if you like bazaaring.



